Feasibility Study key points: Mobile App Marketing

March 8, 2013 | Rishabh Agrawal | General

Feasibility Study key points: Mobile app marketing

Feasibility study is an un-biased evaluation of an App idea, conducted for the purpose of determining whether the idea is viable and worth pursuing.
Major benefit of feasibility study is it helps in the guesswork (to a certain degree) out of the App launch. Hence avoiding any surprises during the course of App development/launch.
We can define feasibility study in many ways:• A game feasibility study is a formal project proposal used to secure internal or external funding and resources for an app development project.
• It gives answer to the question: can we make it? if so can we make at a profitable level?
• After the study, the game project is either further developed or cancelled.
• As a game feasibility study takes time (and therefore, money) to do correctly, it should only be developed for promising game concepts.Why we need Feasibility Study?• When we have new project with new concept
• When we are not confirm about the resources and time
• To suggest possible alternative solution
• To provide management with enough information to know:
-Whether the project can be done
– Whether the final product will benefit its intended users
When we don’t need Feasibility Study?
• We know it’s feasible. An existing business is already doing it
• Why do another feasibility study when one was done just a few months ago?Types of Feasibility study:

• App /Product Feasibility
• Economical feasibility
• Market feasibility
• Technical feasibility
• Legal feasibility (if applicable)
• Schedule Feasibility
• Operational Feasibility

App/Product Feasibility

• Overall App Feasibility
• Considering the major features of the current scope (at a high level) and evaluating if they are feasible
• Benefits of the product or service
– Will earn money from downloads like Crazy drunk man
– Will move one step ahead in development like Lost in camera
• Determining whether the APP ideas is a:
• New concept: App is purely based on new concept like Pee Pee boy
• If new concept is not implemented then really do we need to post on old concept
• Old concept: App in which most of the technical concepts has already been implemented earlier in our apps or other apps in market like Photo editor, Transparent screen, Crazy Drunk Man etc
• High Competition apps like Photo Editor, Panda run
• Low Competition apps like Crazy drunk Man

Economical feasibility

• Resource cost is based on the estimated resources within the technical analysis
• Employee costs should be based on salaries and overhead
• Any hardware or software that you purchase should be listed as well
• Additional costs (if any): This section is an assessment of additional costs incurred from licensing, contracting, out-sources testing, and so on.
• Cost of maintenance of equipment.

Market feasibility

• Assessment of the overall appeal to the market for the APP
• Market timeliness: best suitable time for release
• Identification of the target audience
• Comparing with other similar competing Apps (if any)
a. Finding out special features/differentiators (if any) –
i. Found new features: apply that
ii. Not found:
1. Add better graphics
2. Better marketing (hit idea, Catchy name, keyword rich description, added girl for in app billing etc)like we did in Crazy drunk Man

Technical feasibility

• The technical analysis should be written by a programmer, preferably a senior one
• Experimental features: Identify the features in the design that seem experimental in nature, such as untried or unproven technologies, techniques, perspectives, or other unique ideas.
• What kinds of technology will we need?
• Is relevant technology mature enough to be easily applied to our problem?
• Do we currently possess the necessary technology?
-if yes, does it have the capacity to handle the solution?
-if no, …can it be acquired?

Legal feasibility

If this game involves copyrights, trademarks, licensing agreements, or other contracts that could incur some fees, litigation costs, acknowledgments, or restrictions, then list them here
Schedule Feasibility
• Do we have right estimation for this project?
• Can we complete the project on said date?
• Did we schedule the review period well in advance?
• Did we take into account the national holidays, team, individual leaves?
• Based on this parameters we calculate the score and check the schedule feasibility of the project.

These are some points, which we should consider before releasing our app in the market.

THE AUTHORRishabh Agrawal

Rishabh Agrawal is the founder of Creatiosoft, a company focused on creating high-quality software for the iGaming industry, specialising in poker and card games. With years of experience, Rishabh is dedicated to delivering engaging and user-friendly gaming experiences. Through this blog, he shares his passion and insights to help readers understand the latest trends and advancements in iGaming.

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