Android is one of the primary launch platforms because of its large installed base and global reach. Currently, Mobile developers are concentrating on apps which are supporting tablets rather that mobile. As current statics shows that Customer budget operations like view, edit, drill-down, etc. are 7x higher on Android tablets than they are on phones. Use of Android Tablets increases the average revenue by around 30- 35% than the smaller-screen devices such as phones. The larger screen area on tablets opens new possibilities as well as ease to use it. Due to some of it”s good features:

  1. It leaves good impression on users due to it”s vast opportunities.
  2. The larger screen opens new world of possibilities, and allows more engagement which in turn increases monetization opportunity.

Some Developers Experience:

Mint: “We’ve found that phone usage is indicative of a customer’s regular financial check-in, while tablet usage points towards more analysis and interaction with that customer’s personal financial data. This is the sort of immersive engagement experience we were looking for; the tablet and phone apps serve as great complements to each other.”

TinyCo: With continued optimization of the gameplay experience and a genuine commitment to our Android offering through our Griffin engine, all of our metrics started to rise,” said Rajeev Nagpal, Head of Product at TinyCo. In fact, they’ve seen Android tablet downloads more than triple in the last six months.

Instapaper: “We saw a promising new set of Android tablets about to hit the market and wanted to position ourselves to be ready for them” said Jeff Rock of Mobelux. “It was a market that others were hesitant to explore, but the decision to prioritize tablets has paid off very well for us.”


So the above developers experience shows that Android tablet is booming at a very fast rate. Now a days more and more Android tablets are coming, and everyone especially mobile developers are excited to see how the investment in Android tablets continues to pay off.