Today in this competitve world whether you have an iPad app, Android app or any Mobile app you need to advertise to make people know about your app. Just like the traditional world, the ad opportunities are endless. A very important factor for advertising your app is effectively determining where and how to advertise your app.Effective app advertising requires mainly 3 key areas of focus:
3. Balanced opportunity

Brand: Building a brand name In the app world is really a difficult task and as your brand name is leveled then you will face more difficulty in holding that name to the same level. Even if your company has the strongest brand name in the app world, you will face a different new world full of excellent apps. Nowadays people spend real money on advertising their app that would suddenly has more cache than yours. If you need to build an “app brand.” Building an app brand consists of two elements:

1. Satisfying your traditional brand followers on release of every new app, let them know that you are improving on every release of the new app.
2. Creating a good personality to your app’s brand and introducing it in innovative and exciting way, for the very first time to many people who have never heard of your brand.

Don’t focus on No. 1 – this can be a mistake as it is a short-term win, but can be a long-term loss. The key to success is to find ways to build a brand with a completely new audience.

Buzz: To have revenue there should be a buzz. Many people care for their brand-building efforts to build buzz but the most important factor here is to build a consumer audience that must be buzzing. Spend ample time on the standard locations like Facebook,Twitter an google plus,as well as hit the device user forums hard and if you get any review sites then it will be like icig on the cake. If you are not spending your time or money here, you are missing out something very important. You must have the blogger and vlogger community which must hit their sweet spot in earning influence in the app buzz building world.

Balanced opportunity: Your medium of advertisement should be balanced. This is what where your app advertisement efforts could fall or rise. If you think traditionally only then you might just be digging a hole for yourself. Those days are gone when selected sites can target your audience to advertise on and email marketing lists have an impact. In the app world advertisement, you could be throwing your ad dollars away if you don’t consider this one key point.

Points to Remember:

* If you target someone who has a smartphone or a tablet do not try to interrupt what they are doing as it will leave a wrong impression.Statement may sound silly, but it’s true. Always remember that if you are simply executing a brand campaign, focus on the app you want to  advertise in and around and how engaged it makes the people. like if you are checking on a reservation, making a reservation, or changing a reservation, you will not want to drop what you are doing because it is important for you. As an advertiser,always try to think like your target audience. Try to calculate how much your app engages the audience when they have free time.

* Building and then executing a correct strategy is the key point of any business.Try to take advantage of the culture which is building in an app-driven society as it will propel you light years ahead. Don’t follow the online advertising traditional efforts lavishly. Always try to build strategy according to demand as it open up a whole new world of opportunity. Correct timing with lots of efforts will definitely leads you towards success in present as well as in the future.