Social games have already become a buzzword in video gaming market world over. Of 1.2 billion gamers worldwide, 700 million players play online games. The social gaming market has witnessed a steep rise in recent years and is growing to touch the whooping US$17.40 bn mark by 2019. Online social casino has become the most popular category of online social games and is expected to contribute nearly $5bn in overall social gaming revenue by 2017.
One of the main reasons behind popularity of online social games is that players don’t want to play alone anymore. People feel good about playing with their friends and loved ones while even sitting at a different corner of the world. Workers who work in shifts rejuvenate themselves by playing online social games during breaks. Players who like to compete find online social games a perfect place to prove their gaming mettle by sharing their rankings and scores on social media.
Without a doubt, social media has played a big role in making online social games so popular. Burgeoning rise in number of smartphone users has now given birth to a new trend in social gaming market – mobile games. Mobile internet users have already surpassed the numbers of PC internet users, which is why game developers are now shifting their focus to mobile social games.
Most social games are free to download and register, but bring brilliant opportunities for developers to monetize players via in-app purchases.

Check out the infographic below for some cool stats.

Posted By: Maria Antony