In the vast ocean of app store, getting your app discovered is one of the biggest issue, which most of the mobile app publishers/developers are facing today.  If your app is a part of mobile app space, it’s important to understand the various methods for marketing your app. Which marketing method is to adopt and which not is most difficult question for publishers and marketers. That’s why analytics play a vital role in finding answer of this question as analytics is the mastery of complexity, while Creativity is the master of presence of mind. 
After doing some analysis and research, you’ll know that you nedd more than just a mobile website for your mobile app business. You are going to really grab the attention of the smartphone generation and get them to use your mobile app. The question is: once you create your app, how do you spread the word about it? Here are some great ways for New App Discovery Methods for your mobile app:

What are the New App Discovery Methods


Last, but not least, be sure that you do a little keyword optimization on your guest blogging guidelines page so that interested guest bloggers can find it in search. and for that you can use “Google AdWords Keyword Tool” which shows the estimated global as well as local monthly searches for any keyword.
Above we have discussed covers almost every area of mobile app marketing. But, the most important point is to build the finest app. Because, the truly amazing app can succeed on its own merit. As mobile users are seeing thousands of new apps daily, so you need something really special and fresh to impress them. It happens most often with games.
Please don’t build another tracking app, restaurant finder, or to-do list. Try to find the most sophisticated Android apps on the market that can run on phones as well as on tablets and think what can be the best possible option. Then develop your unique idea properly.